miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2007

Level IV New interchange

Hi my name’s Yenifer Paz. But everybody calls me jenny. I am from Maracaibo originally. I am 18 years old. I study Industrial Relation ship at URBE. I live in Maracaibo, on El Milagro Av.

I am fairly short, I have straight long black hair, I have black eyes, and my color of skin is tanned.

I love listening to music, watching TV, movies, surfing the net, pizza, burger, my family, my country and my pets.

I hate spicy food, pepper, and oatmeal.

My dream is to have a lot of money, a car, a beautiful house, to help my family, and to travel around the world, especially towards the European continent.

My opinion about English, I think it’s very important for my career; it’s very exciting and interesting.

Unit 10 Have you ever ridden a camel?


I haven’t gone to Paris, I haven’t driven a car, I haven’t gotten married, I haven’t jumped out of a plane, I haven’t done a lot of things in my life. I’d like to do many things.

Well, I haven learn to use a computer, I haven eaten oysters in a seafood restaurant, and I went to the zoo three years ago.


Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was fairly short, thin and he had messy gray hair. He had a mustache and white skin.

Albert Einstein was a famous scientist born in Ulm, Germany. He presented several works such as the photoelectric effect for which he won the Nobel Prize, and the theory of relativity. He worked at Princeton University and participated in the Manhattan project. He died on the year of 1955.

Sandra Bullock
Sandra bullock was born on July 26th, 1964 in Arlington, Virginia (United States). Sandy (so called by her friends) is john and Helga bullock’s daughter. She has a sister, Gelsine.
As a child she knew her carrier would end in the cinema and that’s why she studied theater until she began to study actuation at east Carolina University, and in New York later.
Her first film was “Religion, Inc” in 1989, and directed by Daniel Adams, but her first success was “speed” in 1995 with Keanu reeves.
She was nominated to the Golden twice for “while you slept” (1995) and “miss special Agent” (2001). Her most popular romance was with the actor Tate Donovan with Whom played at the movie “love position” N° 1 (1992).
She was the girlfriend of the known musician Guy Forsythe and of the actors Matthew Mconaughey and Benjamin Bratt, though she is going out with Jesse James now.

Sandra Bullock is pretty tall, thin and beautiful. She has black hair and brown eyes. She has white skin.

unit 11 It’s a very exciting city.


My city

My city is very important and nice. It’s very interesting place. It’s very big. It’s very not much safe, but it’s very clean. The night life is exciting, and the weather is hot and sunny. I like it very much because it’s my city.


I would like to visit Mérida city, because it’s has many interesting places just like the Bolivar Peak, Thermal water, and very nice inns. Mérida has the longest cablecar in the world. It’s has a very nice weather, too.


London is a very interesting city. It’s big and safe, it’s very clean and it has exciting night life. The weather is humid and cloudy. London has several interesting places: the Big Ben, the bridge over the Thames River, and the Trafalgar Square.


Maracaibo, the sunniest city in Venezuela.

fotografia tomada desde "El mirador"

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